
Attention: Do You Want To Make The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life?

Manifest Your Dreams FASTER THAN EVER!

Watch this video to know how!

4th March(Saturday)


Host : Shruti ~ Self Love Coach

Before I Reveal How This Workshop Will Benefit You
Let's See What My Students Have To Say...

Are you also facing these common struggles In this game called 'Life' ??

You are feeling very stuck and lost

You don't know where you're headed and desperately need a direction in life

You lack confidence 

You constantly seek validation from people because you have self-worth issues

You experience negativity all the time

You are unknowingly attracting negative experiences and people very often

You struggle with self-doubt

You keep wondering if there is anyway you can achieve your goals and struggle taking action towards it

You feel sad/low or depressed 

You often find yourself in pain, loneliness and sadness and don't know how to get past it

You seek a personal transformation

You are tired of living the same old way and feel the need to work on your growth and personality development


I've got great news for you! 

In my upcoming workshop, I'm going to reveal...

Unknown Power Of Your Mind

Your mind is powerful beyond words and there is nothing it is incapable of doing! See the proof in the workshop itself!

Art Of Loving The Self

When you become your best friend you start to live and function in a different way! Experience this Live for yourself!

Unique Manifestation Hacks/Techniques

Decrease the time between your current and desired outcome and get blown away by learning unique techniques.


Plus You
 Get The Access To Our
Private WhatsApp

Where you will be able to engage with fellow participants who are also on a similar journey
& build a lifetime bond with me personally!

Here's What You Will Learn Inside The Workshop

Learn how Self Love plays the biggest role in your journey to success

Master the practice of gratitude which has the power to create unexpected magical experiences in your life

How you can let go of all the negative beliefs & patterns that are holding you back

Easy hacks and techniques to start manifesting your desires with least resistance


Hi there

My name is Shruti sethi

★ Certified life coach and law of attraction practitioner

Over 200+ coaching sessions conducted

3+ years of coaching experience

Community of 1L+ on social media platforms

Not so long ago, I hated myself to the point where I felt there is no purpose as to why I am even alive. It took me a lot of inner work to get to this point in my life where I can proudly preach and vouch for the most under-rated practices of all times - SELF LOVE

Today, I am married in the most miraculous way to the LOVE of my life thanks to this journey!

Inspiring over 7,00,000 people to feel better, look better, start their fitness journey, enjoy spiritual practices, and become a better version of themselves with my presence on different social media platforms. 

I am on a mission to empower millions of people out there to create a life of abundance and happiness through the power of self-love. This is the only medicine we need!

Have A Look At What Is Possible For You As Well.....

5 Star Rating On Trust Pilot 

     What Exactly is A self Love Coach? 

I'm sure you've possibly not heard of a self love coach before as this is something unique but much needed
 in our world now!

We all feel the need to love and to be loved by others but in  this give & take scenario we forget the most important person who deserve your love and that's YOU! I have mastered the art, practice and skill of self love and have dedicated my life to teach this to as many as possible! This is gonna create a ripple effect of love in this entire world which ultimately raise the vibration of our entire planet! All this starts with loving yourself unconditionally!


You could close this window and walk away ~
Sure, you’ll still be able to figure out how you can start your dream life… But you’ll take much more time than you could get here (timing is everything), understanding the opportunity cost of it is what matters. Also, you would NEVER know the true use of self love in attracting your desires to you faster!

Instead, join me in my 3 Hours Live “3 Secrets of Attracting Your Desires” right away & start living your dream life!

Still have any questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

When and where is the workshop and how long it would be?
The workshop will be for 2 hours and will be held on the Zoom App. 
Please check the top section of this page to get your preferred date for the workshop.
How will this workshop impact my life?
In this workshop, I will teach you 3 Master Secrets that is going to give great insights into how you let go of your painful past, and start living your dream life by becoming best authentic self. You will be introduced to the values, principles, and practices will definitely kickstart your transformational journey!
For whom is this workshop?
This workshop is for people who are either feeling lost or lonely or sad, lack confidence or looking for a transformation in their life.
Here I am going to share how you can go from having nothing to having everything you truly desire in life! After this it's only an upward journey..
What should I be prepared with before the workshop starts?
Make sure you come 10 mins before the scheduled time and have a simple notebook and pen to write the important points you find during the workshop.
It is advisable to attend the workshop on PC and with good internet connectivity for a better learning experience.
Will I get the recordings of the workshop?
No recordings are provided to ensure every registrant attends the workshop live and gets the best out of the workshop.

P.S. Since You’ve Read This Far, It’s Clear You’re Interested In A Complete Personal Transformation!
Well, Let Me Tell You That You’re Not The Only One To Come With Such Expectations For Me. Hundreds Of My Students Came To Me With The Same Concern & Today They Are Living Their Best Life And Achieving Big Goals.

P.S.S. You Have Got Nothing To Lose Here. The knowledge You're Gonna Get Is Gonna Cost You LESS THAN THE PRICE OF A PIZZA 🍕 So Don't Think, Just Act!
See You Inside, Beautiful!

Love what you see?

Join my exclusive 2-Day LIVE workshop from 2nd-3rd April 2022.

Learn how to improve self love, grow in your career and attract more wealth into your life. Set yourself up for success by adapting to some powerful techniques and exercises!


My "10 step road to success" free guide

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