How This Workshop Will Benefit You

Invoke Self Love
Increased Gratitude
Let Go Off Negativity
Improve Relationships
Attract Your Desires
Create Magical Experiences

Date : 15th May 2022(Sunday)
Time : 11 AM -1 PM IST

Hi there

My name is Shruti sethi

I am a certified life coach and law of attraction practioner.

Over the years I truly understood the meaning of ‘Life is your best teacher.’ Everybody has their own life journey which is unique in its own way but one thing we all experience in common is the person we become through those life experiences. And guess what makes your journey special? That it is YOURS! You have walked that path and that’s why no one understands YOU better than YOU! 

Not so long ago, I hated myself to the point where I felt there is no purpose as to why I am even alive. It made me question my existence on this planet Earth. It took me a lot of inner work (A LOTTT) to get to this point in my life where I can proudly preach and vouch for the most under-rated practices of all times - SELF LOVE! 

Today, I am inspiring over 7,00,000 people to feel better, look better, start their fitness journey, enjoy spiritual practices, and become a better version of themselves with my presence on different social media platforms. As it turns out to be my life purpose, here I am on a mission to empower millions of people out there to create a life of abundance and happiness through the power of self-love. This is the only medicine we need!

5 Star Rating On
Trust Pilot 

my proven system

My system is for you if:

You are feeling stuck and lost
You lack self love
You feel sad,low or depressed
You want to transform yourself
You want to fulfill all your dreams 

My system is NOT for you if:

You're not committed to growth
You are not open to learning
You are satisfied in your life
You are full of happiness
You're prosperous in all areas of life

The things I love to teach

How To Love Yourself
Self Discovery
Law Of Attraction
Guided Meditations
Goal Setting
Success Mindset
Positive Thinking
Wealth consciousness

The intention through my different levels of coaching and teaching is to help you understand why loving yourself is the stepping stone towards living a happy and successful life and how you can get started with this. The learning is fun and engaging which will make this journey even more enjoyable for you!

Love what you see?

Join my exclusive 2-Day LIVE workshop from 2nd-3rd April 2022.

Learn how to improve self love, grow in your career and attract more wealth into your life. Set yourself up for success by adapting to some powerful techniques and exercises!


My "10 step road to success" free guide

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